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Main Office

Suwon City, GY 16521, Korea

Where We Are

Location : #719, Ace Smart Wing, Samsung-ro 253, Youngtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16521, Korea

Frequently Asked Questions

Our specialty is water filters and a variety of filter kind. So, you can ask us general specifications and even special one. We will give you full support for your satisfaction.

We have been providing many kinds of customized pressure vessels, filter housing and strainers. Not only stainless steel but also we do handle a variety of materials such as plastic, duplex, hastelloy, titanium, inconnel, etc.

Of course, we are managing a diverse work for satisfying customer demand. So, you can ask us any related to filtration items and sub-material resources too.

Sure. To give pleasures of business transaction to customers, we do introduce any kind of items and materials for business happiness. Therefore, if you need our help, please feel free to ask me any time on any matters.